Saturday, March 14, 2009

Business Simulation

Someone was telling me about a business class that was actually ran like a real-life business. Each student was given a different role in the business that they were in-charge of during class. I think my students would enjoy this if i implemented it into my class. Does anyone have an idea of how to get this started, or the steps to take?


  1. This is terrific J.R. I think that you should try this in your class. You are so wise and smart that I think that you could do this. I would ask my students if they would be interested in this type of class. Also, that person that was telling you about this was none other than Rondel Brown....

  2. Jeremy -- you can also check out online business simulations where students can play all or part of the sim in advance of class via computer and then you debrief during class. See:
