Saturday, March 14, 2009

Fish Bowl

So I was thinking about do the fish bowl activity in by Personal Finance class. I was just wondering if anyone has tried this activity and if so, what did you think. Did it work well for you or what recommendations do you have for me. Thanks


  1. I actually havne't tried this either, but spoke about it on my blog. I wanted to try it as well so if you get feedback, let me know. I know they went over really well in our EOU classes.

  2. I have not tried it yet in any of my classes. I would go for it man. Make sure that the students are ones that like to discuss. Let me know it goes, I am super excited to see how it works.

  3. Liz I am hoping to try this in the next couple of weeks. I will let you know it goes for me and if the students enjoy it.

    IOB-One problem i was predicting is trying to get everyone engaged and not just the students who do like to discuss. Hoping the class will enjoy it, so it is a success. We will see
