Monday, March 2, 2009

Returning to my class

After being up at EOU for the end of last week I have noticed my students were extremely happy to have me back. My first few classes went well and the students were very engaged. However, there were a few students who did not turn in the homework assignment over the weekend, so I thought to myself "Should I really give them some points for not turning in anything? But I was quick to answer the question with NO." This was a very entertaining week of classes and the discussion over grades was eventful. Well i dont have anything else, hope you all have a great week back and see some of you later this week at the job fair.


  1. How about an I for incomplete so that the students don't get "away with" not doing anything?

  2. In our art classes we have several students whom have not finished current and earlier projects. We have two weeks till the 2nd trimester ends. So, after our discussion over grades, it will be interesting to see how my cooperating teacher deals with missing assignments. I'm just curious if the "I" system will be useful for missing homework assignment?

  3. haha, incompletes...those just result in 0 anyways, the kids dont turn them in! i would have given them 0's too! anyways,

    isnt it a nice feeling when you come back and they are excitetd to see you there?! makes you feel like you are doing a good job teaching them!
