Tuesday, March 3, 2009


My school just started a policy this semester for those students who do not turn in their assignments. We had a number of students who were missing 10 plus assignments at the end of last semester, so the school wanted to implement something to try and help the issue. So, now if a student does not turn in an assignment on the due date they are then required to attended 8th period which is after school. If it is a student who rides the bus they will be taken out of their 7th period class and complete thier missing assignments for the day with the principal. All 7th period classes are electives, so they figured it is better the students complete the work for required classes. The students will be in 7th/8th period until they complete their missing work. If students are still struggling in classes and are still not completing their work they will be assigned Friday school, since there is no school on Friday's in Arlington. On Friday's the students will come in a receive help from the teachers on their assignments. This policy seems to be working thus far in the semester and there are a lot less students who have missing assignments and failing classes. What do you think of this policy?


  1. Love it all except taking students out of 7th instead of 8th if they ride the bus. It puts electives on a 2nd tier and that's wrong and unfair. I hope my future school has such a policy.

  2. I think that it is a privilege to be in an elective class, not a right. In see elective classes almost like a sport. Generally the elective class that is chosen is one that interests the student. Well, if they cannot do what is necessary in their required classes then they don't belong in elective classes. I like this idea. This gives the students to get their work done so there are no excuses for not turning work in.

  3. I like this policy. How is it working out so far? The only thing i disagree with is taking them out of 7th block. WHat happens when that student gets behind in their elective class? DO they just end up missing those assignments. I like the La Grande policy in which on wednesdays (teacher access day) the students are let out at 2:15 instead of 3:05. This early release is so that students how need to make up assignments are required to do so from 2:15 - 3:05. If the miss this time period, they will end up with saturday school!
